Monday, 17 April 2017

Difference In Land Survey And Soil Testing And Safety Of Proposed Building

The land survey is the first and crucial step in the construction process. The land survey ensures safety and reliability of the structure from legal and construction point of view . The land survey agency will accurately monitor the boundaries of the land meant for construction . The land survey report will show the exact place where the building will come up . The investigation report will suggest that the property boundaries are safe and within the legal limits .

Image result for Land Surveying

The accuracy of the land survey thus , ensures that the construction will not be stopped midway for any legal or land issue . The Land Surveying agency will come up with report on the topography of the land . The professionals will use the instrument called theodolite , for measuring horizontal and vertical planes on the piece of land for high- degree of accuracy .
After consultation with the land surveryor , the builder will start the process of setting out the property . This means that construction of boundaries of the house from the points marked by the land surverying team . The process ensures that the buidling adheres to the original plan laid out by the architectures and engineers .
The soil investigation report on the other hand ,will give complete chemical and physical composition of the soil . The bearing capacity of the soil , its moisture content , the extent of water table level and corrosion causing substances in the soil will be deterimned by the soil investigation report . The materials that will be used in the construction of the building will also depend on the soil report . The pile foundation engineering and methods are also decided on the soil investigation report .

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The depth of the piles the ground for the security of the building depend on the Soil Testing and its strength at different layers . The soils , which are weak at the top layers , will have piles , which are inserted to the greater levels , to ensure safety and reliability of the proposed building .

It is vital for the safety of the building to know the nature of the soil and its likely impact on the building . The report will provide the complete knowledge to deal with the various aspect of the soil investigation report . The both land survey and soil investigation are conducted by professionals with experience on the varied soil types in far- flung areas of the country.

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