testing is no more a new concept in India. People working in soil or
taking any project regarding the soil wants to know about the soil.
People wants to know the nature and behavior of the soil they are
working on. The soil testing tells them the exact nature and behavior
of their soil and work accordingly. This soil testing is very useful
in farming, piling, and any such project relating to soil. The soil
testing can also be done for various geotechnical, geochemical or
ecological investigations, or the construction purpose too.
are many benefits of testing the soil. In agriculture, the soil
testing tells, which nutrient can or should be added to the soil to
increase the productivity of the crops, tells the amount and type of
fertilizers to be used, prevents the environment by the over usage of
fertilizers, and most importantly identifies the polluted of
contaminated soil.

company gives the best soil
exploration services to urban as well as the most remote
areas of the country. The company gives a full range of soil testing
services to help you understand the behavior of soil and work
accordingly. It tells you about the risk associated with the soil so
that you can manage your soil and the project well in advance to
avoid future mishappenings. We use our full experience and expertise
to conduct soil testing in urban areas as well as the most remote
locations of the country.
are an expert in site investigation on land and conduct the tests to
understand the ground conditions and risk factors associated with the
soil. We have a credit of having our own soil
testing agencies to test different types of soils. We are an
expert and have conducted the most sophisticated soil testing. We are
an expert in maintaining the quality of our services up to the
international standard. You are able to understand the behavior of
the soil easily after the successful testing of the soil.
also have an expertise in geotechnical site investigation to help you
understand the risk associated with the soil so that you can take
precautions accordingly or even take a decision to change the site of
the project. We can boast of having the best quality equipment and
conducting all the tests in-house. We have a team of expert who with
the help of international quality equipment gives the best soil
testing services across the country from, Punjab to Bengal and from
Kashmir to Deccan to Kerala.